• Reviving the Soul & Bringing Hope to the entire nation.

    View Project

  • Galvanizing communities to take a stand
    against drug and alcohol abuse.

  • Chairman Abner Mariri shares his journey of recovery
    from Drug and Alcohol abuse

  • Reaching the youth and empowering them to Choose Life

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About Us

Joint Power Development Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 by Mr Abner Mariri. The foundation's key focus areas are the alleviation of drug and alcohol abuse in our communities and the support of recovering addicts.

The dawn of democracy and freedom ushered a promise for many South Africans the future of a South Africa that was to be prosperous, productive and full of opportunities for many of its citizenry.

The scourge of alcohol and drugs, particularly among young South Africans has and continues to threaten the hard-won efforts of many who sacrificially gave of themselves for the freedom of South Africa.

Drug and alcohol abuse and addiction doesn't discriminate. It's an entirely democratic problem that affects every South African. It's a national problem which requires a national and holistic solution. Substance abuse is one of the greatest battles the world must fight at this time - our youth is in danger and they need to be loved and protected.

It's not enough to say that drugs are bad.

Children and adults need tools and strategies to help them say no. Healthy self-esteem, selfbelief and hope are vital to being able to say no in any situation.

Peer pressure, coupled with the belief that "it'll never happen to me" are barriers that need to be broken through to inspire and equip South Africa's youth and citizens to stand up and Choose Life.


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Joint Power Development Foundation

110 Athlone Street
T: 087 012 5278
E: info@jointpower.org